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Last month, Metro Vancouver hosted two Sustainability Breakfasts on the subject of rental housing.  The sessions featured three presenters, each discussing local purpose-built rental projects and the municipal tools used to create them:

  • Dena Kae Beno & David Brownlee, City of Richmond – Kiwanis Affordable Seniors Housing Case Study
  • Bev Grieve, City of New Westminster – Secured Market Rental Housing Policy
  • Don Littleford, Metro Vancouver – Heather Place

Richmond staff discussed Kiwanis Towers, a large-scale redevelopment of an aging existing non-profit seniors housing site in Richmond.  This complex project involves multiple partners and a significant municipal role in the form of both policy and funding, and will create 296 units of new seniors housing at affordable rents.

The City of New Westminster presented on their newly adopted Secured Rental Housing Policy for retaining, renewing and enhancing the City’s purpose-built rental housing stock.  The new policy outlines how municipal tools will be used to accomplish these aims, and for new rental, taking into account the length of time the units are secured as rental.

Don Littleford explained Metro Vancouver’s role in housing and in particular, plans for redevelopment of Heather Place in Vancouver to increase the supply of purpose-built rental housing in this transit accessible location, in a manner that is suitable for a diversity of household types, including families.

The key message of these seminars was that purpose-built rental housing, including affordable purpose rental housing for families and seniors, is being created and retained in Metro Vancouver, by a range of stakeholders. The region’s municipalities have some tools in their tool kit that are working to help facilitate new rental housing.

Presentations links:

Kiwanis Affordable Seniors Housing Case Study, City of Richmond
Secured Market Rental Housing Policy, City of New Westminster
Rental Housing Matters, Metro Vancouver

Related Rental Housing Links:

What Works: Affordable Housing Initiatives in Metro Vancouver Municipalities
Metro Vancouver Affordable Housing Strategy
Metro Vancouver Housing Databook
Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation – website
Metro Vancouver Housing Affordability – website

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